FAQs - Lillidale Natural Antimicrobial range


Q: What makes Lillidale Antimicrobial products unique from other animal wound cleansers?

A: Lillidale Antimicrobial products are unique from other animal wound cleansers due to their safety profile. They are suitable for all animal species, regardless of age or condition. They are non-corrosive, non-toxic, non-irritating, non-staining, and safe to use on or around the eyes, nose and mouth. They pose no harm to healthy tissue, and crucially, they do not contain steroids, alcohol, tea tree oil, or antibiotics. Lillidale Antimicrobial products are biodegradable and environmentally friendly. They maintain a pH-balanced and are shelf-stable. Conveniently, they can be applied without mixing or dilution, and rinsing is unnecessary after use.


Q: Can I use Lillidale Antimicrobial products after the expiration date?

A: To maximise the effectiveness of Lillidale Antimicrobial products, it is advised to use them before the expiration date on the label.


Q: Can Lillidale Antimicrobial products be used with medicines?

A: Lillidale Antimicrobial products have no known contradictions or adverse drug interactions. If you need to apply other solutions, such as fly repellents or creams, we suggest applying Lillidale Antimicrobial products first and waiting at least 60 seconds before using other products.

In case of any doubt, we recommend seeking guidance from your veterinary surgeon.